Run-Off Cover

Futureproof Professional Indemnity cover

Protect your future from the present up to 30 days after your Kingsbridge Professional Indemnity policy has expired.

From over 11,000 reviews

Run-Off Cover

If you’re a contractor or freelancer, taking out Run-Off Cover to protect against Professional Indemnity claims made after the work is done is one of the most effective things you can do. If you do ever fall foul of a claim, your Run-Off Cover will kick in to provide you with a safety net.

Recruiters and Recruitment Agencies

What is a claims-made basis?

Professional Indemnity protects you against claims for negligence (such as making a mistake or giving wrong advice) and for loss of documents, loss of data, breach of intellectual property, and defamation and libel.

This type of cover operates on what is known as a ‘claims-made basis’. This means that the cover will only respond if you have a policy in place when the claim is made against you.


Why consider Run-Off Cover?

Most Professional Indemnity claims are not made until at least 6 months after the work has been completed. In some cases, we’ve seen claims come in up to 6 years after a job’s been done.

If you don’t have the right insurance at the time the claim arrives, then you’ve got a problem. If you have ceased trading, then Run-Off Cover could be a good option for you. It will provide Professional Indemnity Insurance for 1 year, for claims relating to previous work.

Key Features

Stay protected with Run-Off Cover from Kingsbridge.

  • Futureproof Professional Indemnity cover

    Futureproof Professional Indemnity cover

    We offer Run-Off Cover to any Kingsbridge customers who have held a Contractor Insurance policy for over 12 months and whose most recent policy has not expired more than 30 days in the past.

  • Extended purchase time

    Extended purchase time

    Run-Off Cover is available to purchase 45 days prior to and for up to 30 days after your Kingsbridge policy expires. Giving you plenty of time to get your business affairs in order.

  • Cover for work completed in the past

    Cover for work completed in the past

    Professional Indemnity insurance works on a ‘claims made’ basis, meaning you need cover in place when a claim is made against you. With many claims made after the completion of a job, it’s important to keep some protection in place.

Find out more

Fill out the form below and our team will call you to discuss whether you are eligible for Run-Off Cover.

Frequently asked questions

  • Who can purchase Run-Off Cover?

    If you have ceased trading and currently hold Contractor Insurance with Kingsbridge that has been in place for at least 12 months, then Run-Off Cover could be a good option for you. It will provide you with Professional Indemnity Insurance for 1 year to cover claims relating to previous work.

  • What happens if I hold Run-Off Cover but go back to trading?

    If you choose to return to trading with your Limited Company and purchase a Combined Liability Policy (such as our Contractor Insurance) then we can cancel your Run-Off Cover and provide a pro-rate refund.