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5 most annoying things about being a recruiter

We all have bad days at work. Little annoyances that in the grand scheme of things, are minor – but…

Author Photo by Kingsbridge

We all have bad days at work. Little annoyances that in the grand scheme of things, are minor – but sometimes can just push you over the edge. When chatting with recruitment consultants, we sometimes hear some of those bugbears. Here at Kingsbridge, we are always looking to try and make your lives a bit easier.

After hearing what some of you find particularly irritating, we’ve decided to pull together a list of the 5 most annoying things about being a recruiter. Sometimes it’s good for you to have a vent, and if you have experienced any of the below, rest assured that you are not alone. 

Cancelled meetings

It’s happened to all recruiters. You’ve finally found your client the perfect contractor for a project. They have all the skills needed and more, have quoted within the budget price, have contractor insurance in place and they are ready to start the job straight away. 

So, you book a meeting to discuss the contract and then they fail to show up and completely ghost you. Looks like it’s back to the drawing board.

Or you’ve booked in a meeting with your client, you’ve made the three-hour train journey, only to have a text 10 minutes before the meeting saying they can’t make it. Brilliant.

The spammer 

You think you’re suffering from déjà vu when you have a proposal put forward by a contractor because you swear you’ve heard that name before. A quick search on your records and, ping, they have submitted a proposal for an IT job, an engineer, and a graphic designer. 

Sure, some contractors are multi-skilled, especially following the coronavirus pandemic, but something tells you the contractor isn’t an expert in all these fields. 

As a recruiter, having a contractor that is passionate about working for you is great, but wasting your time by applying for things they aren’t qualified for is not so great.

The under-qualified contractor

Equally as annoying as the spammer, is the contractor that just isn’t qualified for the job. Sure, we all expect to see the occasional embellishment on C.V.s/contracts, but it’s a waste of everyone’s time when they come in for a chat and you realise that they don’t just have any of the basic requirements that are needed for the contract. 

Even worse is if they slip through the net and start the contract, leaving you to field an angry call from your client, when it turns out the contractor you sent out has no idea what they are doing. 

The perfect contractor doesn’t exist

When you get given a tiny brief from your client for a project, and then every contractor that you put forward isn’t right. 

They’re either not qualified for the job or just not the right fit. You go back and ask for a more detailed brief and get no reply. Next thing you know, the contract gets pulled due to unforeseen circumstances.

Being unable to contact your contractor

Last, but not least, there is always one contractor that you just can’t get hold of. You’ve tried email, phone, text, WhatsApp, LinkedIn – you even messaged them on Instagram. 

With no response, it’s obvious that they are avoiding you. After signing up and starting on the contract, it’s like they’ve dropped off the face of the earth. 

This is especially annoying when you need to finish your onboarding practices, including checking that they have their insurances in place for the contract.

Kingsbridge is here to help

For those times when you can’t get hold of a contractor and need to ensure their insurance is in place, Kingsbridge is here to help. 

When you partner with Kingsbridge, we will contact the contractor so you can focus on what you do best, finding the best talent for the job at hand.

Our packaged insurance offers comprehensive cover, with adaptable levels to suit the requirements of the contract. Click here to find out how Kingsbridge can be the solution to your insurance problems.

And our cover doesn’t just stop at contractor insurance, we also have an award-winning IR35 solution to help you through the new off-payroll reforms. Check the status of a contractor’s engagement with our award-winning Kingsbridge Status Tool. 

The tool offers a combined approach – statuses are determined automatically with manual intervention from our team of experts for any indeterminate results. 

Book a demo of the tool today.

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