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Contractor Guides

7 budgeting tips for self-employed contractors and freelancers

As a self-employed person, you know the meaning of ‘famine or feast’. One month you’re riding high on a huge…

IR35 Hub

The problems with using CEST as your IR35 status tool in 2022

We get why end-clients and recruiters are tempted to use HMRC’s CEST tool. We really do. It’s easily accessible, quick…

Contractor Guides

How to make the most of LinkedIn Services when self-employed

Last month we looked at ways to make the most of your LinkedIn profile as a contractor, giving you tips…

Contractor Guides

How to become a sole trader

For some professions, becoming a sole trader is a much more common option than being a limited company contractor if…


What is a Status Determination Statement (SDS) for IR35?

Chances are, one of the reasons you became a contractor was to have more control over your working life: being…

Contracting Life

Do I need qualifications to be a self-employed contractor?

One of the banes of being an employee is seeing an advert for a job that you know you could…

Partner News

Recruiter Productivity Tips

With more of us heading back into the office regularly, we are having to readjust to the ways we used…

IR35 Hub

A guide to IR35 for recruiters: what you need to know in 2022

If 2021 was the year of big changes for IR35 off-payroll legislation, 2022 will be the year of ensuring ongoing…

Partner News

Kingsbridge Group Announces Paul Havenhand Will Succeed James Twining as Chief Executive Officer

Kingsbridge Group, the UK’s leading provider of specialist insurance services to skilled contractors, freelancers and the recruitment industry, announced today…

Partner News

The best industry blogs for accountants to read

As an accountant, you want to keep up with the latest developments in the sector as well as planned changes…


A contractor’s guide to the IR35 legislation in 2022

As pretty much all contractors will know by now  – and if you don’t, where have you been? – the…


Presenter Adrian Chiles wins First-Tier IR35 Tribunal against HMRC

Presenter and journalist Adrian Chiles has reportedly won his IR35 appeal against HMRC, after undergoing years of protracted HMRC investigation…

Contractor Guides

How to become an engineering contractor

If you are studying for or seeking to start your engineering career in the not-too-distant-future, you may have been giving…

Contractor Guides

8 tips to make the most of your LinkedIn profile as a contractor

Most of us have a LinkedIn profile sitting there, but an awful lot of us just use it as a…


International Day of Women and Girls in Science: contractor interviews

Today, Friday the 11th of February is the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. The annual awareness day…

Contractor Guides

How to choose a name for your limited company as a contractor?

If you decided to operate as a limited company contractor (as opposed to being a sole trader), then choosing a…


We’ve won the Feefo Platinum Trusted Services Award… again!

The winners of the Feefo Trusted Service Awards 2022 have been announced and we’re proud and excited to say that…

Contracting Life

What can I donate to charity via my limited company?

With the cost of living rising and the news rife with stories of vulnerable people struggling to get by, those…

Contractor Guides

Directors’ and officers’ liability: do contractors need it?

Directors’ and officers’ liability insurance (D&O for short) often falls into the category of “I doubt I need that,” accompanied…

Contracting Life

What are the key 2022 tax year dates for the self-employed?

Now that we’re firmly planted in 2022, it’s a good time to start getting finances in order and, like it…

Contractor Guides

Top 5 Tips To Grab The Best IT Contractor Roles On LinkedIn

Love it or hate it, LinkedIn is still a really valuable resource for IT contractors in terms of promoting your skills and service…

IR35 Hub

Contractor survey: businesses continue to struggle with IR35 reform

The anniversary of the IR35 reforms in the private sector is fast approaching. At Kingsbridge, we’ve been keeping a close eye on the contracting market.…

Contractor Guides

5 ways to improve your bookkeeping when you`re self-employed

One of the things a lot of employees take for granted is having someone else take care of the financial stuff.…

IR35 Hub

The headline IR35 news stories from 2021

After COVID, there was only one thing that dominated the news for those in the contractor supply chain this year…


2021 in review: what were the top news stories for contractors?

It’s always good to look back on the year to see how far we’ve come and while 2021 wasn’t quite as action-packed…

Contracting Life

How to close down your limited company for Christmas

Let’s be honest, one of the best perks of being self-employed is not having to be answerable to anyone over…


Ask Andy ? IR35 Written contracts and hourly rates

It’s December 2021 and the new IR35 legislation has been in effect in the private sector for eight whole months,…


Self-assessment for contractors: 7 tips for your tax return

As we get to the end of the year, all eyes are on Christmas, so it’s easy to forget that…


When is a contractor still responsible for IR35?

We’ll be honest, if you haven’t heard about IR35 by now, we sort of envy you. You’ve obviously been living…

Partner News

The 10 best LinkedIn profiles for recruiters to follow

LinkedIn is an essential tool for recruiters to find contractors, freelancers and other employment opportunities. As a recruiter, you are most likely…