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IR35: Alternatives to CEST

The reform of IR35 legislation has left contractors wanting to check their IR35 status, to give themselves peace of mind that their end…


Time sheets and contract extensions: Ask Andy Answers

It’s now almost three months since the IR35 reforms came into effect in the private sector, and we are still welcoming questions…


How does IR35 work for umbrella companies?

Last month, it was reported that more than 40,000 people from the Philippines had been recruited to front British companies as part…


Why are so many celebrities targeted for IR35?

Last month, we reported that Gary Lineker was being targeted by HMRC over a £4.9 million tax bill. Gary Lineker follows in the…


Freelancing and accountancy: Ask Andy Answers

We’re nearly two months on from the introduction of the IR35 reforms in the private sector, but many of you…


Terms of engagement and end client issues: Ask Andy Answers

As contractors get to grips with the IR35 reforms, they continue to be a source of confusion for many. Kingsbridge’s…


How much will an IR35 tribunal cost?

It’s now well over a month since the IR35 reforms came into effect, shifting the liability of your IR35 status from you as the contractor to your fee-payer. But what exactly does…


Living with IR35: Ask Andy Answers

As the 2021/22 tax year gets into its stride, the IR35 questions for Andy Vessey, Kingsbridge’s Head of Tax and…


Pensions and National Insurance: Ask Andy Answers

It’s hard to believe that the private sector IR35 reforms have been with us for a month already, but here…


A month in to IR35: Ask Andy Answers

Here we are at the end of April. The IR35 reforms have been in play for almost a month and…